
日時 平成27年07月22日 水曜日 17時より
場所 東京工業大学 石川台2号館 318号室 
<講師> Satish Kumar 先生 (新潟大学 地質科学科 地球物質科学 教授)
<題名> Carbon geodynamic cycle: A carbon isotopic retrospective

Carbon is considered as a key element in every aspect of life and environment in the Earth. Its isotopes have been used traditionally to understand the origin and to evaluate the processes involved in surface and subsurface cycling. The basic concept is that mantle (so called bulk silicate earth) has a homogenous carbon isotopic composition of 5 permil and biological processes have been instrumental in large scale fractionations. In my talk, I would like to prove that large scale carbon isotope fractionation processes are not restricted to low temperature conditions, but can also occur in deep Earth, and a bulk earth composition may be different from what we have been thinking of traditionally.


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Last-modified: 2015-07-13 (月) 15:05:50 (3502d)