第443回 †
日時 令和6年12月18日 水曜日 午後17時より
場所 石川台2号館318(ZOOMによるハイブリッド開催)
<講師> 平野 照之先生
<題名> 若い太陽系外惑星の探査 / Observations of Young Extrasolar Planets
タイトル:若い太陽系外惑星の探査 / Observations of Young Extrasolar Planets
/ Recently, space-based transit surveys have discovered a number young exoplanets (those younger than 100 million years). Young exoplanetary systems are thought to retain primordial information on atmospheres and orbital elements at the time of planet formation, which is key to understanding the known distribution of older exoplanets and the evolution of planets after formation. In this talk, I will review the current status of young-exoplanet studies and explain how models of planet formation and evolution can be tested through observations of these young planetary systems.